MEREA Consulting, LLC​​​ ​

       Maximizing Education and Research Endeavors Affordably

Crafting Action Steps

We know what the big target is (goal)! We have a map that provides directions to the target (strategies)! Now we need to craft laser-like descriptive action steps that make the strategies happen. A supportive action step describes the measurable action that will be taken to support a specific strategy.

Supportive action steps may include some of the following characteristics:
•    what task will be performed 
•    when will the task be worked on and what will be the accomplishment date
•    what team of people or person will take credit for success 
•    what resources are needed to ensure success
•    what benchmarks and success indicators will you possess
•    How will you know that completion is successful

While goals describe what success will look like and strategies suggest the best path to arrive at success, action steps focus on the support necessary to achieve success.

Example Goal: To increase fluency by 20 words per minute as measured by the March administration of the AIMS Web R-CBM so that words will be recognized automatically.

Our example strategies are: 
Provide students with the skills and opportunities to practice sight words
Create a sustained learning routine and environment that positions students for reading success in addition to regular ELA (English Language Arts)
Train teachers in the eight stages of effective reading instruction (describing, modeling, verbal practice, guided practice, paired practice, independent practice, differentiated practice, integration)
Teachers will be trained in and expected to follow daily scripted lesson plans
School Principal will be trained in and supported to monitor, communicate, and promote literacy development among teachers, staff, parents, and their learning community
Carve out monthly Better Readers Program instructional team meeting time

Examples of supportive action steps:
Teachers will participate in three days of on-site training in effective reading instruction strategies during May, 2013
Arrange for substitute teachers during on-site effective reading instruction training during May 2013
Teacher will follow the instructional scope and sequence utilizing the modeling, verbal practice, guided practice, and paired practice strategies as specified during BRP instructional time
Principal will be trained in all Better Readers Program instructional strategies and program monitoring to include assessment/adjustment before the start of next school year

My Action Steps
Use the descriptions and characteristics listed above and craft action steps that support the work-related goal and strategies that you would like to achieve in 6 months or less.  
